The postulants in our Region Malawi are staying in Jacaranda Children Home. They started staying in this home in May, 2007. As of before they were living in the same house with the novices. Since Jacaranda had been a community for few sisters, It was very difficult to create accommodation for postulants. We had to turn our visitor's house for postulants.
Their presence in the home has brought a lot of change. It has become a big community and they are doing a lot to children.
As the postulancy period is for the postulants acquainted with religious life. Their stay in this home is giving them all the possibilities.

  • Parental care
  • Extra teaching to children
  • Study supervisor
  • Religious education
  • Bringing and taking nursery children to school.
  • Gardening with the children
  • Singing lessons
  • Dancing lessons
  • Drama and poems training
  • Hand working
  • Flowers arrangement in the house
  • Mass preparations
  • Kitchen and prayer turn in the house
  • Working as bursar at Stella Maris Secondary School
  • Working as a Librarian at Stella Maris Secondary School
We have four postulants their names are:
  1. Fanny Mary Madise
  2. Agnes M'manga
  3. Judith Mwandama
  4. Priscilla Mauya
Postulants; Fanny Mary Madise and Judith Mwandama works full time in the home, and Priscilla Mauya works as bursar and Agnes M'manga as a Librarian at our Stella Maris Secondary School .
A part from works they do follow their postulancy teaching program in a form of one week workshop three times a year and other lessons that needs more attention are taught during school holidays.

Formation to religious life is an aspect of a long process in each one's life, including the aspect of one's growth as female or male.
Through this formation, “with an attitude that is open and critical, we try to understand how the image of God and His Kingdom – as fully and as beautifully as possible – can take form in each one of us and in all people.” (Constitutions, on Formation p.63).
To reach this goal, the General Chapter (2006) assigns to the General Council to stimulate the Provincial Councils/Coordinating Committee:
To continue to give priority to the formation of the sisters and to foster the ongoing formation so that the spirituality and the purpose of the congregation will become part and parcel. To give opportunities for growth to each person so that the quality of each person can emerge.
In Malawi , on going formation of the sisters is realised through the followings:
  • attending annual retreats
  • Participating in sessions and workshops based on Spirituality.
The retreats, sessions and workshops are organised at ARIMA (Association of Religious in Malawi) level. Topics such as ageing gracefully, what does it mean for me as a religious sister to be a prophet, Religious life nowadays what for, Canon Law, self acceptance/love etc. are offered.

In each diocese, a steering committee (ARIMA sub committee) is put in place. This committee organises meetings and sessions at all levels for all religious in that particular diocese. Topics on community, prayer, responsible friendships etc. are discussed.
As Sisters of Our Lady, We organise region days. Here facilitators (Priests and Lay People) are invited to discuss selected topics on Spirituality, Relationships, Friendships, Prayer, Community life, Human development, Life Style etc. Apart from opportunities to grow, sisters develop positive self-image and self-esteem. This is important for self-image is a constant influence on your perception of yourself, others and life in general.
Some sisters have been to Kenya too to follow a 4 months Sabbatical Programme – A Psycho – Spiritual Approach to foster on Integral, Experiential Growth.
We will continue encouraging sisters participating in these sessions and workshops inside and outside Malawi. We feel that these sessions and workshops empower sisters to have confidence in themselves, to trust their feelings and maintain a sense of self-worth. This is reflected in their religious life and apostolic work.
Formation is the pillar of a constant religious life. Formation accompanies entire life. Formation is a life journey.

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